
Goldie Hawn Gets Political
Tips From Albert Einstein

元々GeoCitiesに投稿されました: 1998年8月18日

In sixth-grade my teacher divided the class into groups and had each group give ideas for characters and plots.  She wrote them on the board, and then randomly mixed up the characters and plots and made random assignments.  My assignment was “Goldie Hawn / gets political tips from / Albert Einstein.”

Once upon a time, Goldie Hawn was making a movie about a politician who crash-landed in an airplane into a forest.

She had been taking flying lessons so that she could perform the stunt herself.

But the flying instructors had overlooked one thing . . . what to do when the plane runs out of gas.

One day, Goldie was practicing flying over her route alone.  While she was flying over the forest, she started hearing a putt-putting noise.  Slowly, the noise got louder.  It was coming from the engine.

Goldie looked at her gas meter.  It was nearly on empty!  “Oh my gosh,” she said to herself.  “How could this happen!  I had a full tank of gas when I left the airport!”

Goldie then decided to stick her head out of the window and look around.  “Oh my gosh,” she repeated to herself as she watched gas spew out of the engine.

Goldie grabbed her CB and screamed, “Help!  Help!  I’m in an airplane and going to crash into a forest!”

No answer.

She hurried and checked the batteries.  They were dead.

At that instant, the engine stopped.  The only sound that could be heard was the wind (and Goldie screaming).

Skydiving Goldie knew how to do.  So she grabbed two parachutes (the second one incase the first parachute didn’t work) and put them on.

Goldie opened the door and jumped out of the airplane.  After falling about a hundred feet she pulled the ripcord of her parachute, and watched the plane crash and explode as she safely drifted to the ground.

Luckily, there were some food packs in the parachutes.

Goldie landed in an open area.  Just beyond a few trees, she could see a house with devices and mechanical things around it.

Goldie started to walk up to the house.  “Hello?” she called.  “Anybody home?”

She was startled as an old man with hair sticking up all over stood up from behind some things.

“Hello,” said the man, “my name is Albert Einstein.”

“Do you have a telephone?” asked Goldie.

“Why, yes.  It’s over there,” replied Einstein, pointing at a pay phone.  “It doesn’t work though.  It won’t accept my nickel.”

Goldie walked over to the pay phone.  “It takes quarters, Albert,” she said as she popped a quarter into the phone.

“Oh,” replied Einstein.  “What’s your name?” he asked Goldie.

“Goldie Hawn,” answered Goldie.

Goldie talked on the phone for a few minutes.  When she got off the phone she told Einstein someone was coming to get her in a while.

“We could talk while you wait,” suggested Einstein.

“Okay,” said Goldie.  “What do you want to talk about?”

“How about politics?” suggested Einstein.

“Great idea,” replied Goldie.  “I’m making a movie about a politician!”

So Goldie and Einstein talked about politics until a helicopter came to get Goldie.

“Goodbye, Albert.  And thanks for the political tips,” called Goldie as she climbed into the helicopter.

“Goodbye, Goldie,” said Einstein.