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Personal Information
The House of Waffles does not collect any personal information, except that which users volunteer through the contact form. Such information is used only for the purpose of responding to user feedback, however the right is reserved to potentially post on-line any comments received through user feedback. Any such comments posted on-line may be credited with the user's name, but the user's contact information (e.g., e-mail address) will not be made public, unless the user requests it be so.
The House of Waffles will not share any user's personal information with any third party, except law enforcement entities as required by law.
Anonymous Information
Anonymous information is collected for simple statistics, e.g. for analyzing web browser usage trends. Also included is IP addresses for the purposes of geographic statistics, and possibly blocking users who abuse this website. (Depending on its context, an IP address may or may not be considered personally identifiable, but again, IP addresses are collected merely for simple statistics.) Click here to learn more about what information your web browser automatically sends to websites and what the House of Waffles does with it.
“Cookies” is the poorly selected name for “session data” stored on your machine by websites. Cookies are used by the House of Waffles merely for simple statistics and remembering users' preferences.
The House of Waffles does not share its cookies with other parties; third-party plug-ins such as Google Analytics or other market-tracking cookies are not used.
You may have noticed that a lot of websites nag you to accept their cookies, with no option to decline. This is because they're installed onto your machine the instant you receive any content from a website that uses cookies. That's just how they work, and a cookie must be used to remember that you clicked “Yes, I agree to accept your cookies; stop nagging me!” If you wish to decline cookies, you will have to block them in your web browser's privacy settings, which will break any website that needs to store any session data such as viewing preferences or the fact that you're logged into an account, or even to remember whether you accepted cookies.
Actually, the real reason why you see these annoying cookie nags is because of assinine laws enacted by incompetent European politicians who haven't the least bit of understanding of how technology works. While these moronic laws only really apply to one corner of the Earth, the European Union essentially sets this policy for the rest of the world as any non-European entities wishing to engage in any commercial practices which might involve regions of Europe must comply or risk being blocked by a digital iron curtain.
Although the ridiculous Cookie Law does not presently apply to this website, I've decided to annoy my visitors with an obvious cookie notification so that I can stay ahead the curve as European laws become increasingly uncivil.