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Name Size Description Last
Bejeweled 3 Distraction Reduction v1.0 65.08 KB Add-on for Bejeweled 3.  Tones down some of the visual effects so that they're less distracting. 2017-03-07 286
Fast End v1.0 14.93 KB Test add-on for Duke Nukem 3D.  Facilitates quicker testing of the bonus screen and the game endings. 2015-10-27 193
Random Respawn v1.12.1 456.67 KB Add-on for Duke Nukem 3D.  Makes guns, ammo, and other items respawn randomly into a different item.  Also makes co-op not suck. 2015-10-27 221
RTSMAKER 2.0 10.62 KB Compiler/decompiler for Remote-Ridicule RTS sound files, which are used in the multi-player modes of Rise of the Triad, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, etc.  ©1996 3D Realms Entertainment. 1996-04-19 217
Silent Ringtone 692 bytes 1 second of silence for when you need a silent alarm, but your cellphone doesn't have a “no ringtone” option. 2018-10-18 155
Weird Al “Bite Me” Ringtone 55.06 KB A horrible ringtone made from “Weird Al” Yankovic's “Bite Me.”  ©1992 Rock 'n Roll Records / Scotti Brothers. 2018-10-18 231
Wu Ji Er Zhong Wake-Up Alarm 216.90 KB A ringtone made from Shino Lin's “無疾而終wu ji er zhong.”  Ideal for a wake-up alarm.  ©2001 Avex Taiwan Inc. / Juicy Music Taiwan. 2018-10-17 170