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Credit Card Developer Tests

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Test Cards With Success
4000056655665556Visa (debit)
5200828282828210MasterCard (debit)
5105105105105100MasterCard (prepaid)
378282246310005American Express
371449635398431American Express
30569309025904Diners Club
38520000023237Diners Club

Test Cards With Errors
4000000000000010With default account settings, charge will succeed but address_line1_check and address_zip_check will both fail.
4000000000000028With default account settings, charge will succeed but address_line1_check will fail.
4000000000000036With default account settings, charge will succeed but address_zip_check will fail.
4000000000000044With default account settings, charge will succeed but address_zip_check and address_line1_check will both be unavailable.
4000000000000101With default account settings, charge will succeed but cvc_check will fail if a CVC is entered.
4000000000000341Attaching this card to a Customer object will succeed, but attempts to charge the customer will fail.
4000000000000002Charges with this card will always be declined with a card_declined code.
4000000000000127Charge will be declined with an incorrect_cvc code.
4000000000000069Charge will be declined with an expired_card code.
4000000000000119Charge will be declined with a processing_error code.
4242424242424241Charge will be declined with an incorrect_number code.
4000000000000259With default account settings, charge will succeed, only to be disputed.

Additional test mode validation:  By default, passing address or CVC data with the card number will cause the address and CVC checks to succeed.  If not specified, the value of the checks will be null.  Any expiration date set in the future will be considered valid.

invalid_expiry_monthUse an invalid month, e.g. 13.
invalid_expiry_yearUse a year in the past, e.g. 1970.
invalid_cvcUse a two digit number, e.g. 99.

Test Bank Accounts
110000000Stripe test bank US routing number.
000123456789Transfer will succeed.
000111111116Transfer will fail with a no_account code.
000111111113Transfer will fail with an account_closed code.
000222222227Transfer will fail with an insufficient_funds code.
000333333335Transfer will fail with a not_authorized code.
000444444440Transfer will fail with an invalid_currency code.

Bank verification numbers:  32, 45

More ACH documentation: